Halls of Fame
The Bishop Ready Hall of Fame was established in 2001 as a way to publicly honor our alums who work for the betterment of their communities. Nominations are solicited from the greater Ready community and awardees are honored each year at the Homecoming Assembly and also at the Hall of Fame Luncheon, held in the spring of odd-numbered years.
In 2008, a separate Hall of Fame for graduates of Father Wehrle Memorial High School was established at Bishop Ready. These members also are honored at the Ready Hall of Fame Luncheon.
Nomination forms for both the Ready and the Wehrle Hall of Fame are available to download. Please submit your nomination at any time of year. If a nomination is made after the deadline, that nomination will be held for the following year.
BRHS Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Wehrle Hall of Fame Nomination Form
BRHS Hall of Fame Members​
Andy Allison '95
Guy Amicon '66
Gary Ansel '75
Erin Bennett '92
Donald Bradley '65
Heather Breedlove '87
James Brochowski '86
Patricia Wynn Brown '69
Dr. Angel Cadiz '68
Margie Radich Campbell '69
Michael Cacchio '65
Julie Laipply Carrier '95
Don DeShetler '86
Lori Nommay DeShetler '87
Katie Regan Donovan '93
Michael Ducey '66
Father Craig Eilerman '75
Mark Franken '69
Dr. Mary Lou Luebbe-Gearhart '69
Daniel Gerlach '85
Sharon Gillivan '67
Mike Gorman '70
Michael Graessle '82
Antoine Harris '00
Linda Casa Highfield '65
Joseph Hippler '86
Rick Huntzinger '90
Steve James '75
Michelle McCann Kelly '96
James Kozman '68
Amanda Wurst Laipply '99
Joe Lang '73
Jim Linard '77
Elizabeth Livingston '06
Robert Livingston '08
Michael Llaneza '74
Carole Guy Marsh '66
Hank Martensen '65
Mary McAllister '08
Chris Cacchio McCann '73
Michael Mentel '80
Michael Mercurio '72
Dan Modlich '71
Jon Modlich '97
Robert Moraine '81
Christine Cummins Murphy '65
Tom Nance '73
Maureen Pritchard '97
Colleen Murnane Rains '72
Ralph Roberts '65
Tommy Rowlands '99
Jim Schaefer '82
Mark Schell '78 (posthumous)
Martha Sheridan '73
Alanta Slone '15
Taron Slone '13
Ann Smith Smith '83
Robert Spears '91
Bob Stoll '72
Mary Radich Stults '80
Riley Wahl '15
Richard A. Weiner '88
Dan Weisenbach '80 (posthumous)
Jim Weisenbach '69
Sarah Welsh-Huggins '08
Andrea Palka Wert '05
Wehrle Memorial High School…at Bishop Ready
In an effort to memorialize Father Wehrle Memorial High School, the Bishop Ready Family extends a warm welcome to the Wehrle graduates and hopes that each of you will consider Bishop Ready your “new” home. The former Ready Art Hallway is now the Wehrle Hall of Fame: “A Place to Come Back to…” and a place that acknowledges the Wehrle dedication to Catholic education.
The graduates of Wehrle High are as passionate about their high school as the graduates of Bishop Ready are about theirs. Unfortunately, while the physical building of the former Wehrle High School still exists, the physical presence of the school no longer does. But the spiritual presence, the essence of Father Wehrle High, still remains a vital force today.
To give a place of honor to those who attended Wehrle High School, and in honor of our football coach and Wehrle High graduate, Larry Wolf, Bishop Ready High School is pleased to house the Wehrle Hall of Fame.
Wehrle Hall of Fame Members
Larry Wolf '72
Ann Maurer Smith '71