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Campus Ministry 2024-2025
Living the Gospel Message (LTGM)
Service Guidelines - grades 9-12


Our Mission:


Bishop Ready High School is committed to spiritual formation, academic distinction, and social responsibility in a Catholic tradition, wherein all persons are called to witness and reflect the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

The requirement for service learning across all grade levels supports our mission statement and is intended to engage students in activities that bring aid, comfort and care in a community setting.


General Guidelines


General Guidelines for All Grade Levels:


The guidelines and listing are provided to assist students in making good choices for service learning opportunities. Not every opportunity or scenario can be anticipated; acceptance of service hours earned is the final decision of the Bishop Ready High School Theology Department. Any questions concerning community service must be addressed before beginning the service. Multiple opportunities for service are encouraged through Theology classes throughout the academic year. If you are unsure about the agencies listed or the type of service being completed, please check with your theology teacher by emailing them. (emails available on website for parents or new students without BRHS email account)


-Service for any organization or activity at Bishop Ready High School is not acceptable for the service requirements; service must be done in the greater community beyond Bishop Ready. (Including but not limited to: Camps, clinic, tryouts, fundraiser or organized service opportunities)


-It is strongly suggested that service hours be completed over the summer.


-4-H Service, Fair Boards and Boy or Girl Scout Camp Counselors are acceptable provided that the service given is not also a requirement of their membership in the organization.


-Gospel Road, sponsored by the Diocese of Columbus, and other church sponsored work camps and mission trips are encouraged. Only the hours spent in providing service to the disadvantaged or assisting in the operation of the trip itself are allowed. Travel, meal time, entertainment and slumber are omitted.


-Church and/or Parish School exception: All grade level students may earn all of their required service learning hours in the following activities ONLY: Vacation Bible School; Art Camp at Trinity Elementary; Parish Schools of Religion/Catequesis (PSR); Parish Religious Education Program (PREP); Catechesis of the Good Shepherd; Sunday Preschool or Elementary Aids or Teachers (not babysitting); Before/After School Enrichment (B.A.S.E.), St. Mary Magdalene or Our Lady of Perpetual Help; Kid Zone After School Program, St. Brendan School; After School Care, St. Mary School (German Village); Trinity Childcare Program (TCCP); and Girls in Faith Together (G.I.F.T.), St. Mary Magdalene School. *Must remain with the above mentioned program for the program’s duration!


-Providing unpaid work at a for-profit business is unacceptable, no matter the clients being served or the type of service given.


-You may not complete your requirement through personal agreements on an individual basis. (Family, neighbor, friend, etc…)     

-Due to potential legal issues, Bingo at any organization is unacceptable under any circumstance.

-Students may begin their service hours after the final day of the previous school year and must have them completed by May 1st. Students may not work ahead in service hours (each year's service may not begin until after the completion of the current grade level)


-A one hundred-point (100) Theology project grade will be given for successful completion of the requirement along with a written reflection by the due date. This grade is an all-or-nothing grade.


-After the school year begins, Supervisor Evaluation Forms* may be mailed by the agency, or hand-delivered by the student to the appropriate theology teacher. Do not submit over the summer, please wait until the first day of regular classes to bring in evaluation forms for the upcoming school year.


*Supervisor Evaluation Forms may be downloaded here.


-Students who are not up-to-date in their service requirement by the end of the fourth quarter of the academic year will automatically become ineligible for all extra-curricular activities during the summer and the upcoming academic year. Affected students will need to return the appropriate forms to the main office when completed or on the first day of class the following year to their current theology teacher. NOTE: There are no exceptions to this policy, the ineligibility will not be lifted until all hours are completed and turned in.


-Students who exceed the required number of hours in service learning may be recognized for their volunteerism at the Underclass Awards Assembly.  


No exceptions are allowed. These guidelines are firm.


Specific Criteria for Each Grade Level:


*Supervisor Evaluation Forms may be  downloaded here.


*See exceptions for the requirements below, under the General Guideline at the top of the page.


Freshmen: 20 hours


  • All service is to be completed in the student's parish or faith community! Including but not limited to Liturgical ministries, athletic events, festivals, service projects, fish fry, cleaning, education programs, yard work, etc…

  • If a student does not belong to a parish or faith community service may be completed in one of the following agencies: Mid-Ohio Food Bank, Guadalupe Center, Holy Family Soup Kitchen, accredited animal shelters, St. Vincent de Paul Center (downtown), J.O.I.N. (Joint Organization for Inner-city Needs), Salvation Army, Run the Race Club, or Westside Free Store Ministries. (Other service agencies must be approved by the Theology teacher.)


Sophomore: 25 hours


  • minimum of ten hours are to be done in students’ parish or faith community. Including but not limited to Liturgical ministries, athletic events, festivals, service projects, fish fry, cleaning, education programs, yard work, etc…

  • Hospitals and nursing homes are acceptable.  Students should be aware of training, orientations and health screenings required for their participation.

  • Food pantries, soup kitchens and used clothing distribution based in local communities or churches are encouraged.

  • If a student does not belong to a parish or faith community service may be completed in one of the following agencies: Mid-Ohio Food Bank, Guadalupe Center, Holy Family Soup Kitchen, accredited animal shelters, St. Vincent de Paul Center (downtown), J.O.I.N. (Joint Organization for Inner-city Needs), Salvation Army, Run the Race Club, or Westside Free Store Ministries. (Other service agencies must be approved by the Theology teacher.)


Junior: 25 hours


  • maximum of 10 hours may be completed in students’ parish or faith community. Including but not limited to Liturgical ministries, athletic events, festivals, service projects, fish fry, cleaning, education programs, yard work, etc…

  • Hospitals and nursing homes are acceptable.  Students should be aware of training, orientations and health screenings required for their participation.

  • Food pantries, soup kitchens, accredited animal shelters, youth centers and used clothing distribution based in local communities or non-profit agencies are encouraged.


Senior: 25 hours


  • All hours must be completed within a non-profit community agency. However, not all the hours have to be completed at one agency.

  • Hospitals and nursing homes are acceptable.  Students should be aware of training, orientations and health screenings required for their participation.

  • Food pantries, soup kitchens, accredited animal shelters, youth centers and used clothing distribution based in local communities or churches are encouraged.


Bishop Ready High School is committed to enhancing spiritual formation, academic distinction, and social responsibility in the Catholic tradition, wherein all persons are called to witness and reflect the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

Bishop Ready High School recruits and admits students of any race, color, or ethnic origin to all its right, privileges, programs, and activities. In addition, the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its education policies, admissions policies, employment, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other administered programs.

707 Salisbury Road, Columbus, OH 43204
phone: 614-276-5263
fax: 614-276-5116

© 2021 Bishop Ready High School. JMJ.

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