Bishop Ready Castle Crew
Bishop Ready's Castle Crew is open to all students in grades 4 through 8.
Members are invited, and encouraged, to participate in year-round activities at Bishop Ready High School, where they will interact with Ready students, staff, faculty, and alums in a wide variety of activities.
Since its beginning in 2014-15, the Castle Crew program has had 137 members. Over 65 Bishop Ready students have joined the Activities Committee, which helps with planning, organizing, and implementing the monthly Castle Crew events.
Membership is open throughout the year; there is no “enrollment” period…
Members participate in academic events, sporting events, service projects, physical activities and competitions, social events, and a Spiritual Retreat.
Members also receive discounts to Ready athletic events and summer camps.
The Castle Crew is a great way to find out all about high school life at Bishop Ready!
Membership is $25, with a reduced rate for renewals.
For more information about Ready’s Castle Crew, please contact Jennifer Gramlich (, Castle Crew Coordinator.